The only company I can currently recommend for website backup solutions is My Codeguard Review: They were actually the first company that I started to work with but was a little put off by their pricing… In hindsight it probably would’ve been cheaper for me to just go with CodeGuard from the beginning and not have to deal with experimenting with other providers.Having tested out the two solutions below plus having over two years of positive experiences with CodeGuard I feel like I am in a good position to make an educated recommendation. The one feature that they do not offer is the website malware detection and notification. Hopefully they will add that to their offerings in the near future. I have successfully restored live databases ( MySQL ) with their service on multiple occasions, also restored entire websites on multiple occasions, as well as restored individual files or folders directly to the server on multiple occasions. It’s nice to be able to revert an entire website within 15 minutes… It is also nice just to “know” that you can do this if need be. I’ve used all of these backup solutions on my Dreamhost VPS, Verio VPS, Rackspace VPS, as well as Bluehost. Haven’t tried yet with Amazon EC2.
I have had negative experiences with the following website backup solution providers: Review – These guys have very attractive pricing however it is expensive if it doesn’t work. I gave the trial a try and immediately ran into a problem where I was unable to restore a folder that contained 1000 pictures. At the time of this writing may also did not offer direct database restore. I emailed their tech support a couple different times about the issue and have yet to receive a response after three or four days. Substandard performance and not trustworthy in my opinion. Review – These guys also have very attractive pricing… In the beginning I had a good experience with this outfit… However as time went on I ran into issues backing up and restoring my websites and databases. Issues like: not being able to log into the dashboard, slow tech support response time (  multiple days  ), databases reporting as being backed up but not being backed up, websites reporting as being backed up but not being backed up, and other oddities. So I had to go through and change all of my passwords for all of my websites and fight with them about my last invoice where they were trying to charge me even though my websites were not being backed up. See my previous post on Comcure Backup Solutions